So, the week after we went to Topsail Island with my family for vacation, we met up with our new youth group at Camp Vandamere, about 20 minutes from New Bern, NC...still at the beach. Our 4th Anniversary was coming up and we really wanted to have a little night away to ourselves before all of our packing and moving craziness began. So we thought Beaufort because we love history and have heard so many great things about it. Well, we couldn't find anywhere we wanted to stay that was available. I got discouraged because I really wanted a night away, but my ever-optimistic Mr. saved the day. He started looking at places in New Bern. I had never been before and Daniel went once when he was really little but didn't remember much. We were game for an anniversary adventure. Then, we found the BEST bed and breakfast we have EVER stayed in. The Aerie Bed & Breakfast.

This B&B has thought of everything! In your room is one of those new one-cup coffee makers with all the coffee brands, flavors and creamers you could want. In the rooms and the parlor you see issues of Our State everywhere for a little relaxing magazine reading about our lovely state of NC. The most luxurious robes were hanging in our closet for our use and if we liked them so much we could buy one in their gift shop along with lots of other products The Aerie provided for our comfort.

This was our to.die.for. room. It is called the Hidden Room-and for good reason. We had our own private entrance to this room accessible up the back deck stairs. It is connected to the house but you are not connected to any of the other bedroom walls, it is completely private without feeling segregated. Then, you open the door to this delightful room. It is stunning in pictures but when we actually walked in it took our breath away. You couldn't help but feel peaceful when you were in this room, every inch of it was kind on the eyes.

I love the soothing palate of layered creams, whites and blues. When you keep something simple like this rather than lots of busy colors and prints it makes a room feel calm. Definitely something you want in the room you sleep and unwind in! This bed was heavenly, they sell the sheets that are on all of their beds and I have never slept in softer sheets in my life. Actually, it was Daniel who flipped out about them because he was the first to get in the bed and he was like, "Oh, my gosh! Heather, you have to feel these sheets, they're awesome!" You know when the man says that, then it's serious business.

In case you don't know, I love a pretty vignette. I also have a little obsession with birds. So you can imagine how thrilled I was when I saw this cute little setup in the room complete with a darling birdcage. The decor makes the place so enjoyable, everywhere you look your eye rests on something beautiful. From this little moment above, to the fleur de lis door stopper, bundle of flowers on the door knob of the bathroom and the eagle door knocker. All of it has been thought of, I believe the owners truly wanted you to feel at home and not like you were in some sparsely thrown together room like so many other places are. I think it goes with the thought of "you're just staying here for a night or two, not living here". However, that is what makes The Aerie different! You are living there, for a night or two so you should feel that way.

Speaking of the owners, their names are Mike and Marty Gunhus, and they were wonderful hosts! We were always greeted with a smile and they talked to us like they had nothing else to do in their day but when we were ready to move on they didn't try to hang onto the conversation and keep you trapped there {you know how some people just don't know when to say goodbye?} . When asked they told us about the history of the house, things to do in New Bern and they gave the best restaurant recommendation ever! There will be more on the restaurant later.
Marty whipped up the gourmet breakfast we had and let me say, she is one phenomenal chef! We had three choices for a main course {which change everyday, by the way} and when they brought out those plates...oh my, they were works of art. I wish I brought my camera to breakfast but I wasn't anticipating something so beautiful. We were waited on by Mike and Marty very attentively, our coffee was always hot and full-the way to my heart, you know.
There are great amenities with this place including use of the local YMCA, spa services, available {and free} beverages any time you want them and a great DVD selection for your use. Every afternoon there is a social time with drinks and appetizers in the parlor which we were really excited to attend....then we accidentally fell asleep and missed it all! I was so mad at myself, but we were so tired after being at camp with the kids then going straight there. I guess we needed the rest.
This was our private entrance. See....Hidden Room. Mike and Marty were so kind and let me walk all around their beautiful inn and take pictures of other rooms. Can you tell we loved this place and we'll be coming back?
What a gorgeous backyard! Can't you just picture yourself having coffee out here one morning or a charming garden wedding? We wanted to sit out here but it poured rain all night and was soaked the next morning. Those back steps are how we got to our room most the time but you can also enter through the front door and come out onto the back porch as well. I don't know why, but I totally forgot to take pictures of the front of the house-dumb.
Oh so charming, don't you think?

Now, as much as I've been telling you how great this place is you would think I'm getting paid for this, unfortunately no. When I find a place of high quality with great people running it then I always want to let people know so they can experience it too. We have enough evil people in the world running bad businesses so when we find the gems out there let's give them some praise for the great work they're doing! Just another testimony on how accommodating they were is when we arrived it was still a few hours before check-in and you're supposed to notify them if you're arriving early. We knew this so we just thought we would park our car and walk around New Bern for a few hours until check-in. When we asked the housekeeper if it would be alright for us to just leave our car parked there she let us check in! We told her it was ok, we didn't have to but she almost insisted on letting us get settled. How nice! That left a huge impression on us, on how Mike and Marty run their B&B and their staff.

One more thing that made our stay fun: Banjo. There he is in all his playfulness. I know he looks like he's napping, but he had just playfully chased us up the stairs and I think was trying to fake us out here. Banjo is their 10 month old puppy and he was very well mannered but very lively. He brought smiles to all our faces when he scampered all around the house.
Ok, I know this was a very long post, but I had so many wonderful things to share with everyone. Daniel and I summed up New Bern like a low-key Charleston. We adore Charleston, but sometimes it is so busy and crowded, so this is a perfect alternative-and closer too! There is a lot to see and do in this town and we're already dying to go back and visit our new favorite town and The Aerie. Go to their website and take a look around at all they offer. They have won so many awards and are very distinguished in their world of bed and breakfasts. This is a great and affordable getaway even for a night. I can't wait to go back!